Today's beer is named for the 750th Anniversary of the Augustinian priory in Clare - the original home of the Nethergate Brewery. So, it's not named for a saint but a priory is "a house of men or women under religious vows headed by a prior or prioress" so we're close enough.
Augustinian is "bottle conditioned" and pours a dirty gold color with a creamy white head. The aroma is fruity and citrus and be warned because it may lead to disappointment upon your first sip. Take a couple of swigs to really appreciate what the beer has to offer. By the mid-pint mark you'll be ready to open a second bottle.
Overall, the taste is malty followed by slight hoppy bitterness. There is a strong but not overpowering carbonation that kind of lingers on the pallette. This ale finishes clean, dry.
Augustinian Ale is a good summer beer, which is fitting because it's 90 degrees and humid in this house and not much different outside. The bottle is just over a pint and our trusty assistant tracked this down at the local Whole Foods.
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